Madhusudhan is an Urban Finance & Accounting Expert with additional qualifications in law. He has over 30 years of professional experience. He has substantial experience in Public Financial Management, implementing municipal accounting and revenue reforms including migrating and sustaining double entry accounting, budget and expenditure management; revenue mobilization in ULBs, training and capacity building, procurement, structuring of PPP projects and setting up financial management and internal control systems to enhance financial accountability and transparency. Madhusudhan has extensive experience of working on PPP projects including project structuring, transaction advisory, technical and financial evaluations. He is a member of the J&K State Level Committee for Public Private Partnerships (PPP). He has experience in managing teams of finance specialists and has worked on many donors funded projects including DFID, ADB, World Bank in various states of India – Madhya Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chennai and New Delhi. He is currently working as Financial Expert on MPUSP overseeing implementation of Double Entry Accounting Systems in 14 towns and is also working at the National level for MoHUPA as a Finance Specialist on the ADB funded Promoting Inclusive Urban Development in Indian Cities. He has completed many assignments in the urban sector funded by DFID, ABD, World Bank and other bi-lateral agencies. Key assignments include ADB funded Multi Sector Project for Infrastructure Rehabilitation in Jammu and Kashmir (JKMPIR), Madhya Pradesh Urban Services for Poor (MPUSP), NCR Planning Board, New Delhi; Green Hyderabad Project, Andhra Pradesh; Organisation Development Mission, Chennai and has worked in Bihar. Internationally, Madhusudhan has worked on several assignments in Bhutan on streamlining financial systems, improving accounting procedures, computerisation, privatisation for the Ministries of Trade and Agriculture and in Nepal on computerised decision support systems and training for Paljor Business Board. He has previously worked for with National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) and Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd (AMUL), both internationally acclaimed institutions. He has consulting experience with ICF GHK, IPE, URS Scott Wilson, The Louis Berger Group, Agrifor Belgium and Rudeco GmbH, TCS and SMA.