and Consultancy Private Limited

Fusion Waste Management and Consultancy Private Limited
About Fusion Waste Management and Consultancy Private Limited
Fusion Waste Management and Consultancy Private Limited (FWMC) is a Socio- economic enabling organization that provides a wide range of consulting services to the public and Government organizations at the Centre, State and local levels and to the private not-for-profit organizations for supporting them in fulfilment of their organizational objectives. FWMC helps these organizations in identifying bottlenecks to their functioning and diagnosing causes constraining their functioning and in providing counter measures, practicable recommendations and solutions. For this, FWMC has highly qualified and experienced experts and specialists who have been working on similar consultancy projects for many years. The members have worked on Government of India, UNESCO, World Bank and other bilateral and multilateral supported projects and bilateral and multilateral agencies.

Range of Services provided by FWMC
- Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) focused support services.
- Material Recovery Facility management support services.
- Composting and other processing technologies including facilities planning and management.
- Evidenced based frameworks for Solid Waste Management (SWM) strategies and implementation support (including Life-cycle assessment and design of sustainable solid waste management strategies across the value chain of SWM).
- Garbage and trash surveys and analytical assessments.
- Policy formulation and infrastructure project planning and operations support across WASH/SWM segments.
- Supporting national and international networks for multidisciplinary research and evidence based innovation promotion in WASH/SWM (through our Knowledge Partner associate-FINTRUST).
- Circular Economy promotion and SDG goals promotion support services.
- Faecal Sludge Management Support Services (this service range is under development).
- Regulatory and economic impact analysis.
- Social impact assessment.
- Outreach, capacity building, and training.
- Field-based programme management support encompassing the above elements.
Plastic waste management is an urgent issue,
We can solve it only if we come together
Our goal is to create a circular economy of plastics. We enable value chain collaborations between brands, consumers, government, waste workers, and the recycling ecosystem. In the process, we also digitally track the entire journey of post – consumer plastic waste.
Utilizing best available Technologies
Recycle every Day Instead of Throwing Paper and Plastic Away“A smart city cannot be imagined without proper recycling”
Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Kill the loop!Refuse:Learning to refuse waste can take some practice, but incorporating this step into your business’ strategy is the most effective way to minimize waste. Talk to your procurement team about refusing to buy wasteful or non-recyclable products. When working with vendors, refuse unnecessary product packaging and request reusable or returnable containers. Making smarter purchasing decisions and setting standards and expectations early in the process makes it easier for organizations to “refuse” waste in the first place.
You can’t recycle wasted time.Reduce the use of harmful, wasteful, and non-recyclable products. Reducing dependency on these kinds of products results in less waste materials ending up in landfill and the associated negative environmental impacts. We recommend always using the minimum amount required to avoid unnecessary waste. For example, when printing a document, print double-sided to cut your waste output in half. Other commonly used items businesses can focus on reducing include single-use plastics, plastic packaging, organic waste, and Styrofoam cups.
Help keep our planet clean for future generations.Single-use plastics have created a “throw-away” culture by normalizing consumer behavior of using materials once and then throwing them away. The rate at which we consume plastics has become unimaginable, and the plastic crisis has become one of the world’s greatest environmental challenges. In an effort to reduce waste, reuse items throughout the workplace instead of buying new ones. Begin by focusing on one area of your business at a time, like the break room. Replace all of the single-use eating utensils, Styrofoam cups, water bottles, and paper plates with compostable or reusable alternatives. Once you master one area, prioritize reuse for other products in your facility like packaging peanuts, printer cartridges, cardboard boxes, food containers, and rechargeable batteries.
Recycle more. Every little bit counts.Last but definitely not least: Recycle. Once you’ve gone through all of the other R’s, recycling is the most environment friendly waste disposal method. If your business doesn’t already, start collecting cardboard, mixed paper products, commingled materials (plastics, aluminum, glass) and organics. Most companies we speak with are surprised by the amount of waste they reduce by establishing an effective recycling program. Click here for a round-up of the best resources we’ve created for launching a successful recycling program.
Final Disposal
After the total waste processing cycle there is still material left which cannot be reused, repurposed or recycled. Though reduced in quantity, this still requires management and safe disposal. The two main services provided by FWMC in this area are remediation of existing dumpsites and development of scientific and safe landfill facilities.
4R Workshop
4R stands for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover. Some importance of the 4R principle include (a) To utilize the waste materials, (b) To maintain environmental health, (c) To minimize land and water pollution, (d) To reduce consumption of needless items, (e) To promote the use of degradable products, and (f) To utilize products to their maximum life.
Fusion team is organizing 4R workshops at various places to train and educate residents of the city to inculcate 4R in their day-to-day life. Team also demonstrates the ways of recycling and reusing of waste. This is done for effective waste management at source itself.
Recycle takes little effort on your part, for a big difference to our world.Khandwa is ready to fight Corona
In the training program, PPE Kits were distributed to employees and all the zonal in-charges by Mr. Himanshu Singh, Commissioner. Khandwa is ready to fight Corona #CoronaWarriors #StayHomeStaySafe #MyCleanIndia #MPFightsCorona #MyCleanIndia #SwachhataHero #khandwaFightsCorona #CoronaOutbreak #SwasthaBharat #HealthForAll #CollectorKhandwa #PROKhandwa #CEOkahndwa #DMkhandwa
Corona Sanani Competition 🥇🥈🥉
Today, most countries are struggling with the global epidemic of corona virus. Each country, by adopting preventive measures at its own level, is making common citizens aware of safety. Several efforts are also being made by Municipal Corporation Khandwa to prevent the epidemic. Many thanks to all of you for supporting Khandwa District Administration and […]
Recycle takes little effort on your part, for a big difference to our world.[logoshowcase cat_id=”61″]